
1612, 2015

Hospital Monopoly Lawsuit

By |December 16th, 2015|News|

Hospital monopoly lawsuit below.  A hospital was SUED and LOST, in claims that they violated anti-trust to create a monopoly.  That is really what our medical area healthcare structure is like.  Once a patient goes to a hospital-based primary care, they are funneled through that system with forced-like health services [...]

  1. No in/out of network (any willing provider)
  2. Remove non-competitive from hospital contracts
  3. Outlaw hospitals from owning our patient information
  4. Hospital privileges to any willing provider
  5. Equal pay for MD. Physicians and Hospital Physicians
  6. Credentialing should be 60 days
  7. Cons – Get Rid
  8. Require an Independent Physician option with each hospital physician referral network.
  9. Eliminate limited hospital insurance plans
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